Megapack 充电器(MPCs):
1 月 10 日(周五)部署了 2 套设备至千橡市,以缓解疏散造成的电力拥堵,以及因公共安全断电(PSPS)而遭遇停电的家庭用电问题。
1 月 11 日(周六)在阿尔塔迪纳的警局部署了 1 套设备,为急救人员提供支持,该设备能够供电,并提供星链网络连接。它位于警局封闭区域内,目前公用电网断电。
有 2 套移动开关设备,配备降压变压器,让 Megapack 充电器能够为 208 伏电压的建筑供电(原本只能为 480 伏电压建筑供电 ),相比为电动汽车充电,能发挥更多供电效用。
还有 2 套设备位于圣贝纳迪诺。
3 辆赛博卡车现停放在阿尔塔迪纳的洛杉矶县警局,车厢内装满水和零食;
2 辆在帕萨迪纳;
3 辆在祖马海滩及马里布 。
千橡市超级充电站的 Megapack 充电器(MPCs)
MPCs at Thousand Oaks Supercharger
位于阿尔塔迪纳警局的 Megapack 充电器(MPC)
MPC at Altadena Sheriff's Station
MPUs in Topenga Canyon + team installing them
Summary of efforts Tesla has done to support employees & communities impacted by the LA fires
Impacted employees (home lost or destroyed by fires) We're covering housing accommodations & supporting employees with transportation & meals.
All our Supercharger sites are back online, except Pasadena Supercharger, which was in the middle of the fire.
Megapack Chargers (MPCs)
2 units deployed Friday 1/10 to relieve congestion in Thousand Oaks for evacuation & families losing power due to Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).
1 unit deployed Saturday 1/11 in Altadena at the Sheriff’s Station for first responder support, providing power & Starlink connectivity. It’s located within their closed perimeter with utility power currently down.
2 mobile switchgear units with step down transformers that enable an MPC to support powering up 208V buildings (vs only 480V) & more utility than charging up EVs.
2 units in San Bernadino
We're also working on deploying units in the Palisades directly
Mobile Powerwall Units (MPUs) Deployed with support from 3rd party non-profits in Altadena & Topenga Canyon with Starlink & power for devices & fridges.
Cybertrucks (all with Starlinks installed) 3 Cybertrucks are now located at Los Angeles Sheriff's Department in Altadena (+ bed filled with water & snacks)
2 in Pasadena
3 in Zuma Beach & Malibu
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